Did you get an unexpected, potentially undeserved promotion at work recently? Then ‘Dark Pool’ tells us that you should be worried. This weeks’ featured #WebSeriesWednesday show is all about learning to grow at a comfortable pace – and not expecting to make partner just seven months in. I’m talking about the plot and the production at the same time here, get it? Get it!? ::Looks at blank stares::
Going into Dark Pool I had no expectations – the only thing I knew was that there were eight episodes and that the story would not be completely told by the end. I like to watch a whole story unfold, rather than be left hanging but there was no other option with Dark Pool, as they have forty episodes planned when all is said and done.
Forty is a big number, and while there are a lot of web series out there who have hit that mark I cannot think of any who planned on it from the start. Chatting with creator Rick Gott it is clear that he has a plan – the specifics might be kept close to his vest, but the overall goal is clear, and that is growth.
Growth is really the theme of this series, and article, from my perspective. The first couple of episodes have those occasional audio glitches, a few odd edits and they lacked a coherent and consistent style. Season one – the first five episodes – has only a couple of different locations.
Six minutes into season two we have already seen more locations than the entirety of season one – and this includes a sweet mansion, and a public place (a grocery store). I picked up on a couple of visual effects this time, and rather than noticing the odd audio issue I was hearing some fancy styling effects.
Rick gave a lot of credit to a small Kickstarter they did after season one, which went on to win best SciFi series at the LA Webfest in 2012.
With season two under their belt the group is planning a Indiegogo campaign to help fund an even bigger season three. According to Rick the series “really gets crazy from here.”
This is where I start to see the brilliance in a planned 40 episode arc. Season one starts out so minimal, because that is where the group was as creators and filmmakers at the time. it’s success spawned a bigger, better season two, which will then spawn an even bigger season three.
Rick and his team behind Dark Pool seem to understand an important concept for web creators, and that is to focus on growth as the barometer of success. You may have the ability to go out and make a big show right now, but that might not be the best approach. That big show might be a lot easier to produce a little down the road when you have a couple of smaller shows under your belt first.
Just like Steven Spielberg did not start out directing Daniel Day Lewis, a web creator’s goal should be to start building an audience starting today – you might even find that watching you grow as a creator and entertainer is part of the attraction.
Dark Pool is currently available to watch on Youtube! http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkpoolFilm