The Protector Chronicles is currently just one episode, divided into three parts. The idea is to give audiences an idea of what the show will be like while the producers try to secure funding for an additional 40 episodes.
So how is this strategy working?
Most noticeably the 300,000+ views this month stand out. The group clearly has done a good job of reaching out to potential audiences, and I wonder if the structure of the show has contributed to that.
The one episode being cut into three parts seems to have tripled the view count. Since the whole episode is only around 10 minutes, each video ends up around just three, and it’s easy to just jump into the next one.
There is little drop off between episodes as well, so people are clearly enjoying the show. I attribute this to, one the show being funny, and two, the episodes essentially standing on their own.
This might be my favorite aspect of The Protector Chronicles. The episode follows one story arc that will continue on and expand between installments, but the real draw is the main character and the way the show presents him. The Knight Protector is unnaturally intelligent, witty and resourceful, but woefully deficient socially – and the show is a constant stream of his thoughts. This makes each video enjoyable even if the viewer has no idea what is going on.
This idea gaves me a sort of ‘duh’ moment when it comes to the idea of optimal web series construction. For a long time I have argued that each episode of a web series needs to have its own ‘three act structure’ so that it can stand on its own. A lot of creators seem to be picking up on this and creating anthologies that don’t connect together. This ‘rule’ though, might be too specific. ‘The Protector Chronicles’ shows that you just need something that makes each episode alone worth it’s time requirement and doesn’t leave the audience confused or wanting.
That is why comedy works so well online – if it’s funny people can go in knowing that they are supposed to laugh. If your show is reliant on the story arc for the audiences enjoyment – no matter how good that story might be, your show probably will not work well online.
It’s doesn’t just have to be entertaining characters, comedy or built in three act structures, it could be awesome visuals and special effects, collaborations, guest appearances, whatever you come up with to make each episode stand out.
Another thing about just making a ‘pilot’ is that it gives the creators the opportunity to point everyone in one direction, and it negates the burden that comes with having a ton of episodes. It’s a lot easier to convince someone to watch three minutes than three hours.
So I really like the way this show was done. It’s fun, it doesn’t leave me wanting, and I’m confident that I’ll enjoy the next video they put out, should it happen.
You guys can get your own free sample of ‘The Protector Chronicles’ on youtube and by visiting