Heartbroken and probably hungover, we start this web series with our hero uttering the gem “my life is fucked.” And things only get better and better.
“Long Story, Short” follows Kristen and her two best friends, Carson and Lucy, as they navigate “the summer I lost my mind.” Amid ex-boyfriends, love confessions, love denials, lots of hookups and speculation on hookups, the ladies have a rowdy time together, just figuring things out. And it’s fantastic to watch.
The stars are director Gail Harvey and actress/writer Katie Boland, who co-created and supervises the material. There’s lots to love here. The stories and plots could use improvement, but the directing, acting, production and writing is all very sharp. The series is imperfect, of course, but everything comes together very strongly to create a fun and honest web series.
Harvey’s direction is really something. The series is visually beautiful, with great set design and colorful costumes. The camera work is perfect, completely in control of everything and greatly enhancing the material. Everything is crisp, clear, and strong. She certainly is in control of all elements. The series has this fun, stylish feel to it that really captures the highs and lows of being in your twenties, all thanks to Harvey’s precision.
Boland is terrific as well. She’s very relatable as the pretty girl who is a lovable mess, but don’t worry because she’s a loyal friend who is just going through her existential crisis. The Kristen character also seems to be more on top of her shit than she thinks she is, which holds together the stronger themes of the series. She is very real, with her flaws out there for all to see, but also embracing her sweeter, caring side.
The story and plots are familiar, and could be more interesting and dynamic. Kristen runs into an ex she isn’t over, has a guy who shouldn’t like her confess his love, and sleeps with a former flame who treats her like shit. I really enjoyed that the supporting characters all have their important story lines, but again don’t really break new ground. I’d also like to see more out of the non-main-three characters. The plots could be more dynamic and inventive, but the show is about the characters, as we are exploring their character and life as they push forward into the aimless abyss of being in your twenties. As unhappy as they are, they are all really happy.
Supporting characters Tommie-Amber Pirie and Lauren Collins are great contributors as well in their supporting capacities. Pirie is funny and doesn’t give a flying fuck, and Collins gives a smart, and more nuanced performance to keep the girls balanced.
Though it will skew more towards female viewership, I would still highly recommend it for guys if you happened to like what we had to say thus far. It’s got something for everyone.
And hopefully Kristen can get her shit together.
“Long Story, Short” can be seen via Koldcast on their website at www.longstoryshortseries.com. Watch it before it goes away. Seriously.
Written by: Ted Barnes