So we’ve been around awhile now. We’ve watched more series and chatted with more web series producers than I can count. We know the struggles you all go through, and the shortcomings just about every series has. We aren’t quite ready yet to turn this industry into the one we all have imagined it would one day become, but for now we do have a way to help.
Today we announce Snobby Robot Marketing Services. A service that will help you define your marketing plan, create marketing and promotional materials for your content and design a compelling presentation of your show for viewers.
With so much content available all the time, the biggest cost for potential viewers comes from their time. Time is precious, and with so much out there it’s hard to convince viewers that your content is more worthy of their time than something else.
This means the biggest hurdles you face as a creator, have nothing to do with the product you put on screen, and everything to do with finding ways to get it in front of people. Viewers don’t care how much money you spent, they don’t care about how much work you put in, they only care about their time.
That means we as creators have to meet viewers highest expectations at as many levels as possible. For now most creators have put everything they have onto the screen, but the reality is that everything your viewer encounters before they click ‘play’ matters even more. Our goal with Snobby Robot Marketing Services is to package your series in the most enticing way possible. We will accomplish this through professional photography and graphic design that enhances social media profiles, websites, and YouTube channels.
Please take a look at our new marketing web page and if you are interested in our help feel free to drop us a line. We want to work with as many shows as we can, and can operate within most budgets.