Of all the amazing things a married couple could possibly hope to accomplish, bringing a child (or children) into the world may be the greatest achievement of all. As anyone can tell you, though, it’s not always an easy task.
In fact, some couples find that the road to parenthood is a lot harder than expected, especially when faced with often questionable advice from a variety of sources, and worst of all, the inability to conceive. Those stumbling blocks are what confound Gina and Derek, the married pair at the center of the new comedy series BABY MAKING TIME.
Created, written by and co-starring Mersiha Musovic, who co-produced with Lawra Robertson, BABY MAKING TIME has launched an IndieGoGo campaign for production of its first season of 5 episodes. The series is aiming for a possible launch sometime this Fall on its official Youtube page. (See additional links to its IndieGoGo and social media pages below).

Mersiha Musovic (who also created and wrote the series) stars as Gina, one half of a young couple (with Kwasi Thomas as her spouse, Derek) seeking to become parents in BABY MAKING TIME.
BABY MAKING TIME co-stars Musovic as Gina, and Kwasi Thomas as Derek, a young couple who just can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to bringing that first bundle of joy into their world.
Despite spending loads of money on instructional child birth books and DVDs, and loads of time asking for help from medical experts, their struggles to procreate continue.
Making things even more difficult, as well as hilarious, are their parents’ efforts to help them in any way possible – regardless of whether or not they even wanted their advice in the first place.
A comedy series filled with characters and situations that everyone who’s ever faced the challenge of procreation can identify with, the idea for BABY MAKING TIME first took shape out of a series of conversations Musovic had with a close friend; someone who, along with her spouse, experienced up-close the difficulties that come with trying to start a new family through child birth.
“She used to tell me the most hilarious and entertaining stories about all of their trials and tribulations,” remembers Musovic. “Her stories were extremely funny, and at first, I was going to write a short sketch about a couple struggling to conceive a baby, but the more I kept writing, I started thinking about the other characters within their story. How would their family react to their on-going intimate struggle and want to help and contribute?”
With those considerations in mind, and with the chance to depict even more wacky moments and memorable characters that couldn’t possibly fit into a single comedy skit, Musovic decided to turn BABY MAKING TIME into a full fledged series. “I started thinking about the awkward visits to the doctor’s, and from then on, I realized that were too many scenarios that would not all fit into a 2-4 minute sketch,” adds Musovic. “So, I decided to make it into a web series, with my friend’s blessing.”

Kwasi Thomas stars as Derek, the other half of the baby-seeking couple in the new comedy series BABY MAKING TIME.
When it comes to its style of comedy, BABY MAKING TIME is definitely not child’s play. Its humor will instantly appeal to anyone with a taste for the edgy and the risqué.
“If you enjoy the raunchy comedy from Judd Apatow movies, you will love our web series! Another TV show we could compare our web series to is LUCKY LOUIS, (an) unfiltered comedy that crosses that line ever so slightly,” explains Musovic.
Of course, the humor found in each episode will have its greatest impact on anyone who finds themselves in the same predicament experienced by the obviously fictional husband and wife of BABY MAKING TIME. “Our demographic for the show is couples between 25 to 40, especially couples who are having difficulties conceiving,” Musovic adds. “We would love to make those specific couples laugh during what can be a difficult time.”
While its two main characters are fictional, the basis of, and inspiration for BABY MAKING TIME are real. So too is its commitment to diversity on both sides of the camera, and Musovic feels that both elements help make BABY MAKING TIME unique in today’s crowded comedy landscape. “The story is based on a real-life couple,” Musovic says. “I am also a strong believer in diverse casting, which is something we are proud of in our web series.”
Speaking of casting, Musovic would assemble BABY MAKING TIME’s core group of performers from both her past collaborations, and from Vancouver’s vast acting community. “We (the series’ producers) held a table read for the first three episodes,” she says. “We wanted to see what worked and what didn’t, once we heard the script out loud. I reached out to actors who I’ve worked with before in film and theatre. I could see right away who could be a really great fit in a certain role.”
Most of all, BABY MAKING TIME has provided Musovic with the chance to create her own opportunities for acting and producing success; opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible had she merely waited for the next big role to come along.
“This web series is a way to create my own material for myself as an actor,” she adds. “The great thing about that, is that I can create the kind of character I want to portray, versus waiting to be cast.”
The series’ teaser trailer (currently streaming on Youtube, and embedded below) provides viewers with a glimpse of the hilarious stories and personalities that will be part of BABY MAKING TIME. For Musovic, the entire production came together in a relatively short period of time, but the experience of getting it all on film was worth the effort.
“We shot our teaser trailer over one day on a weekend, and it was a lot of fun! We had a small crew and two actors,” she says. “Our director, Armen Evrensel, was amazing. He brought the best out of the actors as well as encouraged a lot of improv, so we could explore all the truth and comedy we could.”
No matter how difficult – or impossible – child birth can seem to be, viewers of BABY MAKING TIME will easily realize that laughter can go a long way towards making it a little smoother, through the hysterically funny and highly relatable experiences of a married couple who will do everything they can to be new parents – no matter how long it takes!
Says Musovic: “Our show’s theme and message is perseverance! When you keep getting knocked down, as Derek and Gina do after years of trying, get up and try, try, try again!”
The trailer for BABY MAKING TIME can be viewed at the embedded link below.
The show’s IndieGoGo campaign can be visited here:
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpv3Dmv-3kvTuMNECzjuMaQ
TWITTER: @Baby_Makin_Time
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BabyMakingTime/
INSTAGRAM: @Baby_Making_Time