Anatomy of a craft service table.
It’s the little things that can make or break an indie production. One of the traps is the craft service table. Here is a guide to prevent you from becoming a victim.
It’s the little things that can make or break an indie production. One of the traps is the craft service table. Here is a guide to prevent you from becoming a victim.
“We can’t have girls!” my buddy declared one day at one of our casual lunch production meetings, “I gotta be able to fart on set.”
When I was a kid, nothing got me going like puppets. I was crazy for them. I couldn’t get enough of them. I wanted to live and breathe puppets.
Should the world embrace a dedicated ‘crying period’ perhaps every Sunday at 7 pm? After new episodes of ‘The Biggest Loser’ air? I know I’d vote for that.
Moving to the big city to chase your dreams isn’t always easy. I’m a New York City fraud. I’m not fooling anyone, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Sometimes this place just scares the shit out of me.
I have a terminal degree. I’m married. I work 40 hours a week. So really the only thing that’s left for me in this world is having a child, right?
You don’t believe you have to answer to a higher power? There is no such thing as an omnipotent, omniscient entity that will call on you to answer for your wrongs? Let me introduce you to someone. This is The Internet.
I recently discovered that my antiquated musical tastes aren’t getting me anywhere in today’s now-hyper-obsessed social media popularity contest. I’m pretty sure after two mentions of Jethro Tull, they revoke your Twitter account…
Sometimes at night my friend Mike and I stay out really late, usually at a diner, and drink mass quantities of coffee, our conversation darting …