The Reason Nobody Wants To Watch Your Web Series: Part 3 ‘The Power of Branding’
This is part three in a five part series. You can check out the previous article on ‘availability’ here. There is a kind of elephant …
This is part three in a five part series. You can check out the previous article on ‘availability’ here. There is a kind of elephant …
With TV and digital media among the most powerful methods of communication in today’s world, exposure for new products can lead to success for their …
This week on #WebSeriesWednesday I developed a craving for a delicious jelly doughnut from ‘Jelly Modern Doughnuts‘ in Calgary Canada. Too bad southern California is slightly out of driving distance… I also learned a bit about using branding to produce your series.
Arts Branding Sucks. Here Are 4 Ways To Fix It Great read on marketing the arts. By the numbers advertising is not going to get …