For this week’s #WebSeriesWednesday I viewed ‘Clutch’ the series. Clutch is one of the first series I have seen that has embraced the openness of the web and its lack of censorship. Where most web series have shot for an all inclusive ‘PG’ rating style Clutch just does not care – seriously, I think they even had a special dildo budget.

Clutch is your not too uncommon tale of a strong willed woman falling in over her head with organized crime. The show is ultimately a tale of strength which lends itself well to a more graphic representation of the story. Many web series would not take this route, opting to play it a little safer, and I think story can suffer for it.

Youtube has a policy about ‘racy’ content in their videos and as such many producers tone things down to get their videos seen by a perceived larger audience. The internet itself though has no such filters. The web allows for complete creative freedom if you have the balls to go for it, and Clutch totally went for it.

Many scenes are on the over the top graphic side – I’m thinking of a paintbrush through an eye specifically… but these moments help sell me on the world these characters live in and they help the show to stand out from a crowd of ‘PG’ shows where gangsters don’t swear too much and people don’t bleed when they get shot.

I loved the atmosphere this show had, the locations were all perfect and really sold the show for me. I am not sure where this was filmed but the backgrounds were full of life and covered in grittiness.

I’d like to take this opportunity to ask other producers out there to take a risk on riskier content. Why else are you making a show on the web in the first place if not to take advantage of all the freedoms it allows? This is your chance to put your best foot forward and make the show you want people to see. When you make the choice to make your show to a standard you believe in, not to cave in to some policy or to appeal to the lowest common denominator, then people will find you.

So hopefully you guys take the time and check out ‘Clutch the Series’ over on their site – don’t be scared, it’s not real, it’s just a show.